Sunday, June 13, 2010


The Peruvian Flag has a vicuna (like a llama), cinchona tree (provides quinine), a cornucopia with gold coins, and a wreath from the Peruvian indígenas Tupac Katari.

Yup, that´s right. We´re back in Peru! But wait.. there´s more:

This blog will follow Brooke and Adam through their adventures in Southern Peru in their attempt to finalize a draft of their documentary (Escuchen! trans. Listen Up!), co-edit with some of their students from
Manco Capac, travel to Tena, Ecuador for a rumble with some fair-trade, chocolate-dealing cacao farmers, and then back to Peru to finish what we´ve started.

The beginning´s been rough with long bus rides and sparse internet connection, but we´ve managed to rent ourselves a nice room near a bustling market. For $1.50 a night per person, it´s not bad! In the morning there is fruit in the market (10 apples for 30 cents) and smoothies (1 cup is about 50 cents) and ten little breads for 30 cents. It´s great, actually.

So, we´ll keep y´all posted on our research, progress, and happenings right here at

As per last year´s requests, we will keep things short and sprinkle our posts with as many pictures as possible.

Buenas noches! Voy a comer mi carapulcra!

1 comment:

  1. omg i want carapulcra

    didn't know you guys were going back.. have fun!!
